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The Dillo's Diz Podcast (feat. Theme Park Thursday)

Sep 19, 2018

In April of 2018, Jen & Frank made the attempt to celebrate Disney's Animal Kingdom's 20th Anniversary...they failed. Since then, @DillosDiz has struggled to hold the AK to the same level of excellence as Walt Disney World's holy trifecta of theme parks. Here within, that 20th Anniversary edition and the bonus episode...

Sep 9, 2018

What would become the pilot episode of 'Theme Park Thursday with Dillo's Diz'... From August of 2017, Jen & Frank sit down to wax both the nostalgic and the melancholic with regards to the closing of The Great Movie Ride at the Disney- #AlwaysMGM -Studios.

Theme composed by Matt Harvey.

'And the Band Played On'...